Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Techniques Essay

Shaquille Lee

Journalism and Media Academy

Ms. Sellers


The digital photography composition is very helpful. One of the tips is called “Rule of Thirds”, which is helpful due to it’s known principle of photographic composition. Another tip is called “Fill Your Frame”, this is known to be the simplest tip you’ll ever find. The last digital photography composition that I chose is the “Importance of Focal Point”, which is a helpful tip.

Four techniques that I chose for the “Rule of Thirds” tip is very relevant to digital photography. The first technique is to always place points of interest in the intersections or along the lines that your photo becomes more balanced and will enable a viewer of the image to interact with it more naturally. The second technique I chose is very relevant toward landscaping pictures. Always position horizons along one of the horizontal lines that are in your visual content. The third technique I chose is if an object is off centered, create an additional point of interest. The last technique that I chose is to don’t place the right side of the object in the center of the frame.

Four techniques that I chose for the “Fill Your Frame” tip is very important to digital photography. The first technique that I chose for “Fill Your Frame” is to use your optical zoom. Another technique is to use your legs to position yourself effectively for close in shots. The third technique is to crop your shots to trim your shot if you want to make the picture larger in one specific part. The last technique is to always use your digital zoom.

The last tip I chose that is important to digital photography is the “Importance of the Focal Point”. The first technique that I chose is Position. Always place it in a prominent position you might want to start with the “Rule of Thirds” for some ideas. The second technique that I chose is Focus; learn to use depth of field to blue out other aspects in front or behind your focal point. Another technique is for the size; making your focal point large is not the only way to make it prominent but it definitely could help. The last technique is color; using contrasting colors can also be a way of setting your point of interest apart from its surroundings.

These techniques are relevant, because it helps perfect your photo shots. As you can see each tip and technique benefits digital photography in some type of way.